This is the forex software simulator I am using;
My entry rules and pull back rules are identical.
It is so easy you could explain it to your friends, mother, grandmother OR a non-native english speaking trader.
- Within the 1 ATR zone of the baseline – closed candle above baseline you can only go long, below it you can only go short.
- Primary Confirmation Indicator
- Secondary Confirmation Indicator
- Volume Indicator
- Exit Indicator = Ignore.
There are other people on the internet trying to make No Nonsense Forex Systems but they are making it complicated and it’s exactly the same. Look at this example.
A whole bunch of confusing rules that are saying nothing different then my rules above.

The entry rules for the Standard C1 Signal and the Baseline Cross Signal are exactly the same but put in different order. Why?
No wonder people are confused.
The rules I explain are cut and dry, no grey zone, simple/short, and the best part is they are understandable.
If you think my rules don’t cover all entry situations or pull back situations, prove it!
Send me a situation in which my rules for entry and pull backs couldn’t be applied by screen shot or video to my email.
– with love, Dave.